Whenever you write for any popular culture blog for any couple of years it has a tendency to anesthetize you and also temper your feelings a little. But from time to time I stumble upon a tale that permeates my living slumber and wakes the sleeping giant of outrage within my soul!
Such was the situation after i was breezing through celebritweets and went across this surprise from Teen Mother star Gary Shirley:
What?!? Gary can no more put on Aeropostale?!? My center isn't holding!
Wait… who known as? Maybe it was MTV or Aeropostale? The time had come to get rid of my unimpressive blogger hat and don the regal headgear of the investigative journalist!
So, I made use of every trick in the current day investigative journalist’s guide and… visited Facebook. Around the It’s Gary Time page Gary has published an identical message:
As you may expect the status update received millions otherwise a large number of angry comments indicating their anger and pleading for clarification. Here are the best:
As always, Gary Shirley wasn’t going to let his fans lower, so he clarified having a comment of their own:
WHAT?!? This really is America! You are able to put on whatever brand shirt you would like, damnit! This only leaves Gary with two t shirts left – his Belden Lineman Camping tee and the grey Affliction top! What’s next? Would be the New You are able to Yankees likely to request him to prevent putting on that whitened ball cap? Is Abercrombie & Fitch gonna request Kieffer Delp to prevent putting on his hoodie?!? Where will it stop?!?
I for just one am not likely to stand for this. I don’t want the kids being elevated inside a world by which Gary Shirley can’t put on an Aeropostale t-shirt if he wants, even when it's a size or two not big enough! So, I began a Facebook page demanding that Aeropostale retract their prohibit and embrace Gary Time! Click The Link or even the photo of Leah right to love the page which help bare this country what our founding fathers intended so that it is!
Meanwhile, I would recommend Gary use his new “It’s Gary Time” apparel empire to produce their own type of Garypostale clothes!
Clearly I’m being a little silly here, but seriously – can a clothing company demand explore put on their clothes on the reality show? Isn’t there some kind of implied legal possession by collecting the shirt? Any legal eagles available prepared to chime in and clarify things?
UPDATE - Apparently it wasn’t just Gary that's been refused the liberty to obtain his Aeropostale on, it’s the whole cast! It appears the telephone call to MTV ended up being to ask that no cast people put on their poor performers. So it starts. Maci, you are very likely a telephone call every day now from Thomas the Tank Engine asking for that Bentley get a new favorite type of clothes. And Chelsea, you'll be obtaining a call in the leopards about putting on their skin.
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