What's it like in Tabatha Coffey's own salon? Inside 'Industrie Hair Gurus' in Ridgewood, New Jersey

Outside of Tabatha Coffey salon in New Jersey

When Tabatha Coffey isn’t busting balls of failing salons and turning them around on her behalf hit BRAVO show Tabatha’s Salon Takeover, she’s either cutting hair at her humble Nj salon Industrie Hair Gurus, or serving clients around the west coast in a more classy salon in Hollywood: Warren-Tricoma. She also signifies the Joico hair items line, which she solely stocks at Industrie, and does editorial hairstyling for propagates in gossip columns like Marie Claire and 17.

Wonderful these (well-deserved) high-falutin’ projects, what’s it like within Tabatha’s small salon in Ridgewood, Nj? As pictured above, your building, situated inside a strip-mall, includes a modest exterior together with a puzzlingly boring sign. In the video clip underneath the inside is a fairly surprise. It’s a little, simple, well-organized, unpretentios space with hardwood flooring and red-colored accents. Although Tabatha claims the area as clean, there's an indication of clutter, and deficiencies in polish that’s type of homey. If you’re searching for a sleek, trendy experience, book a scheduled appointment together with her in West Hollywood. You’ll most likely obtain the same haircut, but pay much more.

Here’s a relevant video tour of Industrie Hair Gurus:

Tabatha is blunt, and stern when she takes ailing salons by storm, but she leaves them much better than she found them. But enthusiastic viewers (plus some from the stylists in the salons featured on the program) question if the platinum-haired pitbull having a heart of gold practices what she preaches. Knowing from a few of the reviews on insiderpages, most clients who watch the show really are a little shocked through the building itself, and truly leave happy, particularly if Tabatha herself will the cut and styling. Have fun with booking a scheduled appointment with Tabatha, though. She’s usually reserved for 3 several weeks, and it is rarely  within the salon due to her rising celebrity status.

Clearly Tabatha is emphasizing her direct type of honesty to maximise the drama on the program, it helps awaken the proprietors and also the staff. She doesn’t make use of the classic, great news-not so good news-solution management style, it’s virtually bad-news-solution-great news. At her very own salon (when she’s there) I’m sure she highlights mistakes when she sees them, but she’s most likely more the nice and cozy-hearted relaxed individual we have seen in the finish from the show, or when she drops set for a followup, because this America online television article indicates.

Tabatha appears to understand the best balance between tough love and empathy, and that i would wager she could enter just about any failing service business making significant enhancements.

The reception desk at Industrie Hair Gurus:


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Visit tabathacoffey.com to understand more about this hair guru.

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What's it like in Tabatha Coffey's own salon? Inside 'Industrie Hair Gurus' in Ridgewood, New Jersey What's it like in Tabatha Coffey's own salon? Inside 'Industrie Hair Gurus' in Ridgewood, New Jersey Reviewed by qaz on 3:36 AM Rating: 5

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