Is Nev Schulman gay? Meet Nev's girlfriend Shanee Pink photos and videos

Shanee Pink photo

Following Monday night’s episode of Catfish show host Nev Schulmann designed a startling announcement on Twitter — he's a girlfriend! And not simply that, she’s a music performer and her song was featured within the episode! (Works out, regardless of the persistant gossips, he’s not dating uncle Max, his “cameraman” and travel buddy on the program.)

Here’s Nev’s tweet:

SPOILER ALERT: I've got a girlfriend that im crazy deeply in love with. Her music was at tonights air. Check her out & demonstrate to her some love: @shaneepink

And as a result of the inevitable cavalcade of tweets asking when the two had really met, Nev authored:

PS – Yes, she’s totally real with no we didn’t meet online ;)

Shanee seemed to be excited, writing “So excited my song ‘Irresistible’ is using tonight’s episode of Catfish The Television Show! http://world wide”

Catfish host Nev Schulman girlfriend Shanee Pink

Who is Nev Schulman’s girlfriend Shanee Pink? Here’s her bio from her website:

Shanee Pink is really a pop chanteuse born in LA, elevated in Tel Aviv and presently residing in New You are able to City. Her tunes playfully mix polished electronic pop, alternative folk, and classic rock. Shanee’s soulful, ethereal voice frequently draws evaluations to strong female vocalists for example PJ Harvey and Hope Sandoval from Mazzy Star. A self-trained singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist born right into a group of music artists, Shanee’s style is inspired by 80s pop and classic rock symbols for example David Bowie and Stevie Nicks, artists whose fierce individuality commanded attention in the mainstream. Similar to the symbols she adores, her musical style is flexible and also altering yet greatly her very own.

Shenee Pink of Pink and Noseworthy

As you-a part of dreamy duo Pink & Noseworthy, Shanee’s haunting voice was in the forefront while languid waves of fragile folk transported her to ocean. Now her very own leading lady with a brand new Air co-created with Yonatan Levy, Shanee Pink introduces her fresh voice and old soul charm around the world. The Air, entitled “Our U . s . Hearts,” can be obtained now on iTunes. A music video for “Ain’t Love,” the EP’s leading track, was shot around the shores of Montauk, New You are able to. Shanee is presently at the office on her behalf debut LP in Silverlake, California.

I’m unsure how lengthy the 2 happen to be dating, but Shanee chose to make this rather sincere blog publish on The month of january 6:

Me increases with love. A lot, sometimes, it affects.

I attempt to learn to lightly share this type of pressure bursting from me just like a surging river.

It changes lives, it overcomes, it knows perfectly how you can leave me thirsty and weak.

I crave for your water. Yes, it reaches far and deep

after which it seeps, into every hollow void, into every hiding crease.

I haven’t yet figured how you can divert this river to me.

Can it be that Nev is directing that river?

Who is Nev Schulman's girlfriend? Singer Shanee Pink

Frequency higher Shanee’s song “Irresistable” utilized on las night’s episode of Catfish here.

And here’s her music video for that song “Ain’t Love:”

And here’s Shanee included in Pink and Noseworthy carrying out a removed lower form of the song “Light Feather” using their self entitled debut album survive KPFK in La, April 18 2009:

Champion to Nev and Shanee! Or when i guess we'll now give them a call, Shaneev!

Click The Link to purchase instances of the very first season of Catfish.

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Is Nev Schulman gay? Meet Nev's girlfriend Shanee Pink photos and videos Is Nev Schulman gay? Meet Nev's girlfriend Shanee Pink photos and videos Reviewed by qaz on 3:35 AM Rating: 5

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